Location: Suffolk
Contact: Christine Smith
Tel: 01603 435207
Email: smithct@btinternet.com
Website: www.kingsforestbowmen.co.uk
What3Words: N/A
Course Description: Our course is mainly flat. Some open ground, but mostly in woodland
Course Suitability: Ours courses are built for all archers
Course Access: One of our members was in a wheelchair, and we several older members who have walking problems
Car Parking: We have significant car parking, on flat firm ground
Toilet Facilities: We have a full toilet facility
Visiting Archers: All of our members have to be Members of the EFAA, and other than Classification Shoots it is a Members Only Club. We have held NFAS only shoots. Otherwise archers can book a Training Session with an EFAA Master Coach
Catering: On Classification shoots, National shoots and club days we have full catering