EFAA AGM Information

Change To The Issue Of The AGM Agenda

We are currently operating in a period of risings costs and decreasing income. Unfortunately, we are also experiencing a reduction in membership numbers compared with recent years. With these facts in mind, the committee are investigating several areas where the Association’s running costs can be reduced without any resultant, detrimental effect to the function of the Association and its members.

Commencing with the 2019 AGM, the agenda will no longer be posted to all members. Instead, it will be posted on the EFAA website. We are aware that not all members have internet access, if you require an agenda to be posted to you, please contact the General Secretary. Contact details are in the Field Archer magazine. For those members without the facility to print a copy of the agenda from the website, copies will be available at the AGM. Taking this action will result in a significant saving in postage and printing costs without any loss of information provided to members.

