IFAA Update Info
The IFAA have made a ruling this year that if an Archer books into a International Shoot they do not have to have shoots on their cards (because of the lack of shooting during Covid) but they must have a Classification Card regardless.
“Classification Scores and score card entry requirements for the WFAC, respectively for the WEBHC, are relaxed due to the lack of opportunities to shoot last year. In practise we are also accepting 3-Year-old scores - If you had last year valid scores, then you are also fine for this year.”
They have also issued the following guidance:
"For your travel and accommodation arrangement, it is your own responsibility to make sure you have a flexible cancellation clause in the agreement with your travel / accommodation provider, allowing cancellation your bookings and have your payment refunded or at least the bigger portion of it. Such clause shall allow you to cancel up until two (2) weeks before the event as a minimum.
Make sure that you have travel insurance that covers the following items:
- Travel cancellation due to personal reasons. (Sickness, unemployment, etc.)
- Trip cancellation.
- Foreign Health Insurance (make sure it does not include a “pandemic exclusion clause”).
- Some insurance companies are offering Corona Care packages providing you with extra coverage in case of quarantine, costly testing requirements etc.
IFAA supports the organisers of the Championships to increase planning security for Participants and Volunteers by agreeing with the relevant Authorities on a Pandemic Management Concept. As this is work in progress, we will provide you with updates on a monthly base or more frequently if so deemed to be necessary.
For both Events – WEBHC and WFAC - a Go / No-go decision will be made in April, based on the progress of the approval of the Pandemic Management Concept."
IFAA February Newsletter
The February issue of the IFAA Newsletter is available to download HERE